About Ted

Hi! I am a headhunter based in the Minneapolis / St. Paul market in Minnesota. I have a particular specialty with CNC Machining and Metal Fabrication, but I end up doing searches for all kinds of different industries.

I have been lucky enough to have had some success in my career. In 2018 I was the #1 highest billing Professional Search Recruiter in the Midwest, and was #6 nationally. I work for a division of Express Professionals, which is the largest privately held staffing company in the US.

I credit a large amount of my success to my interview prep process. I have found that there are a lot of people out there that have marketable job skills but struggle finding a position due to the fact that they are not natural interviewers. Interviewing is very hard, and credible reference material is hard to come by. I am a firm believer that with proper preparation, anyone can interview like a recruiter. My prep process can be summed up by one strict rule – Tell the the truth, not what they want to hear!

You can review my LinkedIn page by clicking here. If you have found my page helpful, or if you disagree with some of my advice, I would love to connect with you and discuss further. Feel free to send a connection request, and let me know you found me from my blog!

Best of luck with your interview!

Ted Keyport